What to expect
Getting ready for your lesson.
It is important to know how to be fully be prepared for your first swimming lesson. We advise that you are ready 15 minutes before the lesson. For babies, please ensure feeding/nap times work around your lesson and for any children to use the bathroom before the lesson. Please be aware instructors may be up to 15 minutes late due to traffic etc.
What will you need for the lessons?
We require suitable swimwear, something that will not be too restricting/uncomfortable. For babies/toddlers who are not yet potty trained (or under 3) please use specific swimming water diapers and consider a neoprene ‘Happy Nappy’. Our instructors come with all equipment such as kick-boards, sinkers and toys etc, however, if you have any specific toys your child prefers we highly recommend to keep those out to use. We advise not to have a floaty / arm bands as we want to encourage independent swimming from the beginning.
Lesson aims with your instructor
It is important to have an idea of what you would like to get out of your swimming lessons. It may be a small goal such as having a happy experience in the pool, to specific technique practices or timing goals. At Sky Blue Aquatics, we understand that everyone learns at their own speed, there is no time-frame of when things should be accomplished by, and we take this into consideration when planning our lessons.
What will we cover in the lessons?
Depending on which course you have selected, your instructor will go over your specific goals and take those into consideration as well as explaining what to expect to learn in a block of 5 or 10 lessons. We offer Swimming Passports for CI$20 which contains a full breakdown on the syllabus and up to date log of your child’s progress.
First lesson jitters
It is very common for children and babies to be nervous before their first swimming lesson, or when changing instructors. We aim to make the first lesson more exciting and enjoyable to ensure that your little ones feel safe, confident and happy in the water! We want to create a lifelong love of the water, so we’re happy to chat if you feel like your child may be more prone to being nervous beforehand and how you can ease them too!
Payment after lesson
At the end of the month you will receive an invoice when you can pay online as a bank transfer. If you have to pay cash, please ensure that you place the correct amount in an envelope that is inside a ziplock with your child’s name on it. The teacher’s are usually in a rush to get to their next lesson, please have the payment ready as the instructors are not able to stick around long after the lesson.
After your first lesson
We always want to encourage communication with your instructor regarding productivity levels. If you feel like the lesson isn’t productive, we are happy to take suggestions on ways to motivate your child. Communication is key in helping us keep the lesson productive! You can communicate with your instructor through WhatsApp, texts or calls as the instructor may have a time restriction after the lesson.
If you feel like you or your child needs anything specific in the lesson, let us know! We want to ensure that we can get the most out of the lessons - so any information beforehand is great to know.